Marinda swartz art

Emerald Forest
This work was created at the beginning of 2022. The process involves a very interesting technique using brown gum tape and ink. Whites are blocked out first with gum tape, a layer of light yellow ink follows, then light yellow is blocked out, followed by a next layer of darker yellow ink, until all colors are blocked and ink applied. The work is then soaked in a bath of water to loosen the gum tape and reveal the underlying inky layers.
When I'm doing my regular small scale oil paintings I use tiny brushes and small details. These small scale works although satisfying can make me feel confined to the small picture plane. Working on larger unrestrained works allows for more freedom of expression and movement in the handling of the larger brushes and scale. The washing off, of the gum tape serves as a metaphor for me of going into the water to be replenished.
Details are added to the work with oil paint to enhance the colors and vibrancy in glazes on top of the inky layers reflecting vitality.
The work is deliberately abstract in it's nature allowing the viewer to experience movement through color and line.
Doing work like this is very necessary for me to break away from representational art and small details allowing the freely expressive to flourish.
© 2018 by Marinda Swartz Art