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Popsurrealism lowbrow pop art contemporary art collectable art fine art oil painitngs Marinda Swartz art

Marinda swartz art

Maat Hand embellished photographic Giclee on Hanemuehle paper 600mm x 450mm

Maát is the Egyptian goddess personifying truth, justice and the cosmic order. She is featured sitting down with an ostrich feather on her head and identifiable  as a goddess by the kohl around her eyes. The feather was her measure that determined if souls (considered to reside in the heart) would reach the paradise of the afterlife successfully. Her potion brought and afterlife to peaceful  people, breathing life.

The seven principals of Maat are truth, justice, harmony, balance, order, propriety and reciprocity. In ancient times there were 42 ideals and these ethical and moral principals were expected to be followed by Egyptians throughout their daily lives.

In the process of creating this work I considered the principals of harmony, balance and order to create something beautiful.


© 2018 by Marinda Swartz Art

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